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Some uraninite, hornblende, quartz-but a number of other compounds I cannot immediately identify.
Yellowcake is made from rocks and minerals with uranium inside, like uraninite, after they are changed in a factory.
Small amounts of helium are also present in uraninite as a result of alpha decay.
This element was the first one discovered by the Curies while they were investigating the cause of uraninite radioactivity.
It occurs as a secondary mineral as a weathering product of uraninite.
Tyuyamunite is formed by the weathering of uraninite, a uranium-bearing mineral.
Clarkeite forms by oxidation and replacement of uraninite late during pegmatite crystallization.
Cleveite is an impure radioactive variety of uraninite containing uranium and found in Norway.
The principal ore minerals are uraninite, coffinite, metatyuyamunite, and carnotite.
The last element was the least abundant radioactive radium which was extracted from uraninite in 1898.
Ore consists of uraninite with lesser brannerite and thucholite.
The uraninite here was conglomerated with garnet.
Silica-rich solution provides such a reducing condition in cases where coffinite results as an alteration product of uraninite.
Uranium occurs as uraninite and autunite in shear zones in granodiorite.
Permian volcanic activity formed the uraninite mineralization.
Ore minerals are uraninite and brannerite.
The uranium mineral is most commonly uraninite, which occurs with pyrite, marcasite, and chalcopyrite.
Helium was first found on Earth in uraninite after having been discovered spectroscopically in the Sun's atmosphere.
Clausthalite, chalcopyrite, and uraninite are also found in the form of inclusions in cleusonite.
However, this weaker bitumen trapped uraninite and radio-nuclides just as effectively as the surrounding harder material.
This metal is found in tiny quantities in the uranium ore uraninite, and various other uranium minerals.
It occurs associated with uraninite, becquerelite, fourmarierite, phosphouranylite, gypsum and fluorite.
It is associated with tiemannite, klockmannite, berzelianite, umangite, gold, stibiopalladinite and uraninite.
They extracted the radium compound from uraninite and published the discovery at the French Academy of Sciences five days later.
It is especially closely associated with torbernite, but is also found amongside autunite, meta-autunite and uraninite.