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His right hand was low, and I brought in a short uppercut.
I followed the straight right with an uppercut from my left.
In another round, it was the uppercut from the outside.
She only had a good right remaining, but one uppercut was all it would take.
The uppercut can be delivered with the left or right hand.
Tyson got in a short right uppercut but it had no effect.
It's hard to hit a heavy bag with an uppercut.
I fired a hard right uppercut into his lower stomach.
"He's got a little bit of an uppercut on it.
He is finally finishing the uppercut on his swing again.
Left uppercut from Marquez, big right and a body shot.
Nancy's last thought had slammed into her like an uppercut.
Alien hit him again, a short uppercut to the jaw.
But he could not resist giving them a private sector uppercut.
The uppercut bag began to appear towards the beginning of the century.
Tyson dropped him with a right uppercut, and he was up at nine.
He raised his hands, took two steps to the left and punched the air with an uppercut.
He was half way to the floor when Bond's uppercut hit him and projected the body another few feet.
In the third round Douglas tried to start a combination with a big right uppercut.
Three punches to the belly and a left uppercut to the face.
Even so, a familiar uppercut fist pump can be made out.
Combined, they would be formidable, and on guard against further uppercuts.
After a hard uppercut, the wood cracked and the bag fell to the ground.
"I saw the opening for that uppercut," Tyson said later.