In addition, he said, doctors have reported seeing unusually high numbers of children suffering from diarrhea, dehydration and ear and upper-respiratory infections.
She and her colleagues endured upper-respiratory infections, asthma, miscarriages, stillbirths and cancers.
River Special, the division's pro-tem leader, came down with an upper-respiratory infection last week and is now being aimed for the San Felipe Stakes on March 14.
The visits were for minor ailments including a headache, an eye injury, tendinitis of his left knee, an upper-respiratory infection and an attack of gastroenteritis.
The vice president likely has a viral upper-respiratory infection.
The more serious adverse effects can include a heightened risk for infection, including upper-respiratory infections and even tuberculosis.
Those confined environments with increased dog-to-dog contact and less circulated air are prime real estate for an upper-respiratory infection called kennel cough.
He's a guy with a chronic upper-respiratory infection...a guy who keeps his scab collection in his desk.
These physicians still believed that tonsillectomies were necessary to prevent upper-respiratory infections in children.
Snoring also may result from upper-respiratory infections, nasal polyps, nasal allergies or exposure to irritants that cause congestion or obstruct nasal breathing.