An appeals court upheld the sentence on March 13, 2007.
It also upheld sentences of up to 15 years on 13 other activists.
The appeal court upheld the sentence on 14 December 2012.
The hearing was held on 16 December 2010; the court upheld the verdict and sentence.
However a government appeal upheld their convictions and sentences in June 1990.
In 1950, a federal appeals court upheld the sentence.
We merely found that the appeals court had not provided sufficient evidence to uphold the sentence.
It upheld the sentence passed by the High Court.
After a mandatory review, the state's highest court upheld the sentence and set an execution date for Oct. 19.
The appeals court also upheld sentences in the case ranging from 4 to 45 years in prison and fines up to $1.1 million.