As it was, he felt unusually timid and gauche, not quite knowing what to say, a fact which seemed to amuse Mlle.
I am not unusually timid and physical bravery is certainly commonplace, but if you hit a man through his family or his loved ones you almost always get him where he is unprotected.
He seemed a little vague, unusually timid; there were brief brownouts of energy and attention.
But the unusually timid tennis played by Agassi in the first set was anathema to his intentions.
The first part of the show is an immersion in European art, but there is a subsequent, solid American presence, including an unusually timid painting by Thomas Hart Benton, "Palisades of the Hudson" (1917).
At Aukana, we were trailed by an unusually timid boar that was on the lookout for picnic baskets.
But you'd think that by now the poisoner - unless he's unusually timid - would have stepped up the dose.
When Lop-Ear and I went toward the north-east to eat the stringy-rooted carrots that at that season were at their best, he became unusually timid.
Toward night, a much subdued and unusually timid Broadway was flashing its first lights.
Yet they sounded like empty sloganeering as an unusually timid Republican National Committee stayed clear of taking stands on issues that could further underscore its fissures.