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A point at which the child must be untethered, letting her take on new challenges?
The first untethered, free flight with human passengers was on 21 November 1783.
This was the first time anyone had sent an untethered probe through such a long tunnel.
The first manned untethered flight was made in April 1980.
I'm cut loose, untethered, not belonging to anything or anybody.
He walked away from the horse, leaving it untethered, and the animal stood still.
Todd was floating in a blind black place, his body untethered.
Untethered flight first took place on 19 November 1960.
The idea that phone numbers are being untethered from geography has gained acceptance.
"Once you start writing stories untethered by the demands of the procedural system, the judicial role is gone."
Mourning, whose emotions are often untethered on the court, may have let his frustration with the calls get the best of him at the line.
Unfortunately, he struggled with being untethered to the earth.
Davis's Browns often had the look of a team untethered.
There are, clearly, dangers in having an untethered army.
The other attendants were slipping a heavy glove onto their untethered hands.
The loose logs at the front were coming untethered.
Baseball is best appreciated as a fantasy sport, a home for untethered dreams.
He went to his camel, untethered and mounted it.
An enclosed area within a stable where a horse may be left untethered (loose).
We were face to face with an untethered bull.
The flap remains attached on one end to its original blood supply; it is untethered several weeks later.
Most money now exists only on computers and has long since been untethered from gold or other precious metals.
Henry's face drifted by him like an untethered balloon.
Her thoughts - which became something close to dreams in this mentally untethered state - turned to why she had really been going to Boston.
I considered leaving him outside, untethered, but thought his chances of surviving that weren't very good, either.