He once became drunk and was temporarily relieved of command after an unspecified incident in his room.
Joe was built as an assassin, a former member of the elite X-Terminators (he was fired for an unspecified incident involving an officer's wife), and is a sniper without equal.
He was also one of three players internally disciplined by the club for an unspecified incident at a hotel; the other two players were Ryan Hall and Kane Ferdinand.
Salesman Nick Halsey (Will Ferrell) is fired from his job of 16 years following an unspecified incident in Denver related to his alcoholism.
Due to an as yet unspecified incident involving fire, he has come to hate humans and desires their destruction, although he's conflicted on whether or not to kill Yuki.
He still bears a particularly fierce grudge against Jetfire over an unspecified incident with a cerebro-shell.
Its notations suggest that the unspecified incident that led to the Station 3 button pushing took place in 1985.
What are the other unspecified illegal "incidents" that the House Judiciary Committee counsel, David Schippers, painted with a McCarthy esque brush during the impeachment hearings?
She was raised by Lance's mother, Vonnie Freeman, after her own mother died in an unspecified incident.
Naturally, passengers filing off the plane headed right for the CNN Airport Network television in the waiting area to find out more about this unspecified incident.