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Young men and women who left school found little problems finding unskilled jobs.
But so does low pay for unskilled jobs in the private sector.
Some skills are essential because the unskilled jobs have gone to China.
He took a series of unskilled jobs while trying to act as father to his sisters.
But demand for unskilled jobs may continue a long term decline.
Men scattered to other unskilled jobs, heading for one in particular.
The role of women, who often occupy unskilled jobs, should be recognised.
We need them to do all the unskilled jobs no one wants, including providing care for our ageing population, he says.
He left school aged 16 and over the next eight years took on a variety of unskilled jobs while writing.
It might be down to a loss of unskilled jobs and public sector employment.
These people need unskilled jobs, pleasant homes and a better environment, not business parks.
To support his family, he continued to work a number of low-paying, unskilled jobs.
"Unskilled jobs are relatively well paid, particularly for young people and compared to other countries.
The higher the minimum, the more unskilled jobs employers will eliminate.
That equals around 18 months’ salary for a typical unskilled job here.
Most unskilled jobs in developed countries are necessarily in personal services.
He adds that there will be plenty of unskilled jobs needing doing.
The downward trend in the number of unskilled jobs available throughout the country is continuing.
He said skilled and unskilled jobs would be cut.
The state job bank now lists only 10,000 semiskilled and unskilled jobs as available.
Three quarters of young people who finish secondary school must be content with an unskilled job.
We have all read the stories of skilled migrants ending up in unskilled jobs.
There will be increased competition in the jobs market particularly for unskilled jobs.
They had me mixing concrete, all the unskilled jobs.
I went for unskilled jobs in shops and factories.