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Last year, the company acknowledged that it had recognized revenue from unsigned contracts.
He said Euronymous planned to use a meeting about an unsigned contract to ambush him.
"What good was an unsigned contract to you?
Tchigirinsky slides an unsigned contract back across the highly buffed table, toward the silver chocolate dish.
But right now, the future of the two proposed plants seems as murky as the details of the still unsigned contracts to build them.
In October 2003, the company disclosed preliminary results of the audit committee's investigation and acknowledged that it had recognized revenue from unsigned contracts.
Mellon declined to comment on whether the agreement had been signed or on what effect an unsigned contract could have on its case.
Scotch splashed over the rim to drench the stack of unsigned contracts on his leather blotter.
Vikernes claims that Euronymous had plotted to torture him to death and videotape the event, using a meeting about an unsigned contract as a pretext.
The negotiations broke down in May 2006, and Kensington sued to force Armstrong to fulfill the terms of the unsigned contract.
I wanted even the unsigned contract as proof of the intentions of Mr. Ten Eyk."
But in January, the company said that in October 2003 it had given government investigators evidence linking Mr. Silverstein to its practice of booking revenue from unsigned contracts.
But there are pending issues: Seifert's credibility with Young and the team, Young's unsigned contract and the fear that Young will still never be able to escape Montana's shadow.
The Simms Fallout Phil Simms came out looking shabby by bolting ESPN to go to NBC because of an unsigned contract.
Computer Associates said in October that it had found in an internal investigation that during the fiscal year ended in March 2000, it had repeatedly booked sales on unsigned contracts.
After the failed attempt to distract him with Colette Gianni had been so angry that he had threatened to leave the island, taking the unsigned contract and Devlin's future with him.
An Unsigned Contract In resigning, Mr. Arpino also withdrew his ballets and those of the late Robert Joffrey, with whom he founded the company in 1956, from the repertory.
At one point, prosecutors said, she faxed a copy of an unsigned contract with The Globe to Mr. Cosby's lawyer to show that she was prepared to go public with her claim.
In its complaint against Mr. Silverstein, the S.E.C. said that Computer Associates prematurely booked more than $1 billion in revenue from unsigned contracts in the year ended March 2000.
In his plea, Mr. Silverstein said that several senior executives of Computer Associates conspired in 2002 to obstruct the federal investigation and asked him to lie about the booking of revenue from unsigned contracts.
Later, leaving William's suite of rooms with the unsigned contract in his pocket, Donal came out into the general hotel corridor outside so swiftly that he almost trod upon the heels of Anea, who seemed also to be leaving.
The lawyers say that in the document - an unsigned contract between the club's owners, Jeffrey and Michael Derderian, and Great White, the band that played on the night of the fire - the club was said to have a capacity of 550.
If he'd known how long the acrobats were going to linger for the applause, he'd have gone back to his office for the unsigned contract form and taken it to Kay's dressing room, so she could read it while she listened to the blues singer.
In a subdued 30-minute hearing before Judge I. Leo Glasser, the executive, Lloyd Silverstein, admitted lying to prosecutors and lawyers from the Securities and Exchange Commission in September 2002 about whether the company had booked revenue from unsigned contracts.
Entertainment deals are often made on the basis of a handshake, but NBC and its latest late-night star, Carson Daly, were mostly shaking fists at each other Monday night over an unsigned contract that resulted in a last-minute pre-emption of the premiere of Mr. Daly's show.