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The answer throughout the 80's was to look for a relatively unplumbed area.
Even in Felicity, so it would seem, there were depths of thought unplumbed.
"Someone out there must see the value in taking on our extremely low overhead and unplumbed upside."
Then, like a leviathan rising up from unplumbed waters, a plan surfaced in her mind.
Justice is not done to the versatility and the unplumbed childishness of man's imagination.
Now- Now she was convinced everything had unplumbed depths.
He leaves no stage of toilet-training unplumbed, finding much to work with in "excretory dramas."
Fix a day to do your last-minute washing and ironing before the machine is is unplumbed.
And myself as well, the forgotten edges of myself, the unplumbed depths of self.
Many of the mysteries of male-female disaffection remain otherwise unplumbed.
Butter, too, was surprisingly unplumbed territory.
Felt something rising within him, thought it was panic and chased it down, away into the unfiltered, unplumbed depths of his being.
His mind felt clear for now, but he knew that there were depths, unplumbed hollows beneath the streets where his darkness ran deep.
Very well, he would give it the very greatest depth, a depth unplumbed for half a millennium!
"If you wish your silence to suggest unplumbed depths you may be assured that it is having the opposite effect.
He realised anew the unplumbed preposterousness of life.
My own mystery, unplumbed, undetected, was sorted into files that were neatly labeled but really didn't say much.
It sloped a little downward, and she wondered into what unplumbed deeps she had descended by now.
Did those ancient, unplumbed warrens teem with a twisted, uncatalogued, and unsuspected life?
The Tarelsk governance was an unplumbed madness.
You have unplumbed depths.
The eyes, wide and glaring flamed like lidless cauldrons heated by the fires of the unplumbed Pit.
She pushed deeper into the girl's hot, sucking hole at the same time that Andre ventured farther into her own unplumbed depths.
Frescobaldi brought a wide range of emotion to the relatively unplumbed depths of instrumental music.