Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
He was given a 12-month community order and told to do 200 hours of unpaid work.
He must also carry out 300 hours of unpaid work.
Unpaid work at home does not, however, come within the category of social services.
In May last year, after eight months of unpaid work, he quit.
I myself started out in my career with 3 months of unpaid work after leaving university.
Women do a lot of unpaid work in the home - significantly more than men.
A survey once showed that some spent more than 40 hours a week in unpaid work.
For example, unpaid work should be based around a normal working pattern.
He was also ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work in the community.
She was given a 12 month community order and ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.
Since then, she has carried out her unpaid work with a vengeance.
Real consideration must be given to the unpaid work a mother does. Mothers have always worked.
The prisoners' unpaid work would help the government develop new areas without spending a lot of money.
So even this organisation are getting free, unpaid work out of him!
How does one sustain unpaid work without some other cushion?
Unpaid work placements should normally be for no more than four weeks.
He must also carry out 120 hours of unpaid work and was made subject to a restraining order.
The internal economy was based on slavery, and unpaid work had no purchasing power.
Not that big firms do all the unpaid work.
A person with a volunteer background also needs to present it well, making a clear link between the unpaid work and the job.
Being uncounted, the value of unpaid work in society cannot be estimated.
In 2010, volunteers contributed over 2013 hours of unpaid work to the archives.
When faced with no opportunity for wage employment, some young people will turn to unpaid work.
He was subsequently found guilty and sentenced to 225 hours of unpaid work.
In fact some of her girlfriends are still doing unpaid work experience on newspapers and radio stations.