Unlike other sites, Yahoo has never asked users specifically if they want to receive information about its own services.
Unlike sites like Amazon.com, they do not actually sell any products, but they make a good living selling ads to deep-pocketed companies that do.
And unlike sites in Bosnia, negotiators for baseball's factions can talk without the threat of being shelled.
Unlike other sites, Roomorama does not charge hosts a fee to rent out their properties.
Unlike most sites of its nature, it carries no advertisements and was not designed to make money.
Unlike other sites, Tavolo offered the option of not registering an account with passwords and other information.
Another advantage of the pole is that unlike other observing sites, none of the stars seen from there rise and set each night.
Unlike most sites, we allow anyone to remove our ads.
Unlike other sites conquered by the Romans, Clunia did not occupy the site of an earlier city or town.
Best of all, unlike other sites, this one publishes prices.