A more varied program on Friday at 8 finds the Wesleyan Singers, accompanied by the university organist, Ronald Ebrecht, and other instrumentalists, performing in Crowell Hall.
He was formerly associate professor and university organist at Valparaiso University, where he also directed the University Kantorei.
He returned to King's College in 1957, succeeding Boris Ord as director of the chapel music, university organist and lecturer in music.
The chimes were rung regularly by the university organist, Samuel H. Smith, until 1946 when this duty was assumed by a student, Elliot H. Kone '49.
He is currently a Professor of Music and university organist at the Yale School of Music.
In 1981, he joined the music faculty at Yale University, becoming university organist in 1990.
He was university organist and assistant director of the glee club and chapel choir at Princeton University from 1983 to 1987.
Playing the first recital is Thomas Murray, university organist and professor at Yale, whose selections include works of Mozart, Franck, Bach and Mendelssohn (723-3311).
In 1998 he has been appointed as university organist of the University Leiden, the Netherlands.
The Sunday Evening Series opens tonight at 8 with a Woolsey Hall recital by the university organist, Thomas Murray.