Founded in 1836, the University at first comprised just two colleges.
The university comprises 17 colleges that offer more than 150 programs of study.
Today the University comprises 14 departments and 59 chairs where more than 700 teachers work.
Today the University comprises 8 faculties with some 24,000 students.
The university comprises 15 colleges, 2 service departments and 1 training center.
At present the University comprises 11 faculties, 500 professors and almost 40,000 students.
The university comprises nine faculties and seven graduate schools (as of April 2010).
The university comprises seven colleges and 78 academic programs.
In 1919, the University comprised five faculties: law, philosophy, technology, theology and medicine.
As of 2012, the university comprises 4,883 undergraduate students and 2,187 graduate students.