This matter is settled by common sense, the law of England, and by the universal assent of every sane European.
By universal assent, world demilitarization became fact.
Though such Marxist arguments scarcely command universal assent, liberal economists and political scientists have been challenged to find a way to hold feuding capitalist states together.
Like most notions that command almost universal assent, the proposed ban on genetic discrimination makes far less sense the more you think about it.
It displays much judgment and acumen, though some of the doctrines which it defends by no means command universal assent.
If then any deviation is made from the maxims upon which the established practice of the age is founded, it must be by universal assent.
But in the days of Tycho Brahe this doctrine had not as yet commanded universal assent.
The Darwinian theory did not at first command universal assent even among those naturalists whose lives had been devoted with the greatest success to the study of organisms.
James Dunn states that the historicity of the baptism and crucifixion of Jesus "command almost universal assent".
Moreover, Locke goes on to suggest that in fact there is no universal assent.