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Not all the unilateralists knew what they were doing.
"Unilateralists don't come around the table to listen to others and to share opinion."
Unilateralists felt that their case had been made for them; and they became more determined than ever to get rid of nuclear weapons altogether.
He paints himself as Mr. Unilateralist, ready to ride the range alone.
"These back-door isolationists and unilateralists cast themselves as the true guardians of American power," he said.
It is a geopolitical confrontation at global level which takes place within an unregulated international environment where the unilateralists are clashing.
The Common Market : a challenge to unilateralists by April Carter, 1962.
Now serious people, who are not unilateralists, are much more open to alternatives to the U.N."
"When people talk in shorthand about hawks and doves, unilateralists versus multilateralists, these labels really miss the point," he said.
But what happens when unilateralists encounter problems that clearly require the cooperation of other countries - not as junior partners, but as equals?
He spoke of a United States divided between multilateralists and unilateralists, and a nuclear policy that had not been fully debated in public.
A nuclear explosion, or epic bioterrorism, will lead even some hardened unilateralists to embrace arms control and other multilateral actions.
"In fact, we're unilateralists."
The administration unilateralists have also worked to undermine the International Atomic Energy Agency - the lead body trying to deter proliferation.
This is an unholy alliance of old cold warriors, extreme isolationists and unilateralists, and outright fools.
He smiled, and cast his questioners as reach-for-the-gun unilateralists lacking faith in the art of peaceful pursuasion.
Arms controllers tend to regard counterproliferators as unilateralists, carelessly provocative in their speech and quick to reach for a gun.
Though Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole and some of their colleagues have been called isolationists, it might be more accurate to call them unilateralists.
"No More Mr. Unilateralist," said The Financial Times of Britain.
Who could predict the rage of Washington's planners梥hortsighted unilateralists blinded by a zeal for control they mistook for patriotism?
He also said that he had been accused of being "Mr. Unilateralist," even though he said he wanted the support of other nations.
That may disappoint unilateralists in the U.S. who hoped the war would give rise to a Pax Americana.
The manifesto Labour finally adopted in the 1983 election paid deference to the wishes of 'greens', unilateralists, Irish republicans, homosexuals of both sexes, and feminists.
Ultimately, the differences between the multilateralists the unilateralists, the neo-imperialists, the minimalists and all the others "ists" may not be as sharp as many make out.
He was not an intimate of the new president, and he was viewed with mistrust by the unilateralists who seemed to have custody of the unschooled president's worldview.