The uniformed divisions is as a highway patrol not a general power police as the Arkansas constitution grants that authority to the various County Sheriff's and local police.
Mr. Leibig, who represents only uniformed officers and not plainclothes agents, said today, "I still don't believe anyone in the uniformed division saw the President in a compromising position."
He served with the Secret Service for 26 years, retiring in 1974 as the Deputy Assistant Director of the uniformed division.
About 960 officers in the agency's uniformed division responsible for guarding the White House and foreign embassies are subjected to random drug testing, Mr. Snow said.
Instead, the uniformed division of the Secret Service is providing "roving patrols" at three embassies that used to have this protection.
There were guards at the gatehouse of the Secret Service's uniformed division, and inside were Marines.
(754) The President told Captain Jeffrey Purdie, the Secret Service watch commander for the uniformed division at the time, "I hope you use your discretion."
She's in charge of the uniformed division, not investigations.
It has an approximately 10-man uniformed division.
The primary uniformed division of the department which includes vehicle and bicycle patrols.