The producer-dominated academy was also a kind of company union, arbitrating between the studios and their employees to keep real unions from getting a foothold.
But we remain deeply sceptical about how long this period of calm can persist without a real fiscal union.
Brit as long as the two cultures exist, there can't be any real union.
The Habsburg lands were restructured into a real union which shared a monarch and a common army, navy and foreign policy.
Sometimes, however, a real union came after a period of a political one.
These factors led to the first serious discussions about real political union in Canada.
But even a real union of their bodies would not be enough.
We should have a real economic union.
The Eucharist affords a real and transforming union with God; see for example Jn.
Harry Kamoku (1905-1957) was the primary organizer and leader of the first real union in Hawaii to be legally recognized.