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He looked around the room again, this time with unfeigned interest.
At such time as he got interested in her, it would be unfeigned.
Unfeigned concern and love could be seen on Anna's face.
I turned to her, my eyes wide in unfeigned amazement.
For a few heartbeats the two stood looking at each other in unfeigned interest.
She had always laughed at the warning with unfeigned amusement.
"For I've a wish to see if this desire is truly unfeigned."
The third and fourth girl looked upon these proceedings with unfeigned terror.
The pure hatred for each other on the two women's faces seemed unfeigned.
"Your good gray is dead," he said with unfeigned regret.
Both women reacted to the question with unfeigned surprise, as if it answered itself.
Had seen the unfeigned surprise - the shock - on the faces of men whom they thought might have been involved.
Then it was gone and in its place was true unfeigned anger.
He sat down without comment and began to eat with unfeigned gusto.
I flung open the doors to his quarters, panic unfeigned.
I raised my hands to my neck in unfeigned wonder.
Kendall was about to stop him; then sank back in unfeigned alarm.
He stared at me in unfeigned disbelief, then narrowed pale brown eyes.
She shot him a glance from the corner of her eye, but saw with relief that his smile was unfeigned.
They chatted cheerfully among themselves, and their laughter was unfeigned.
In the street Cousin John turned on her, with unfeigned anger.
"I thought as much," he replied, with real, unfeigned sympathy.
They were speaking quietly between courses, smiling at one another with unfeigned affection.
Her interest in everything he said or showed her was flattering and unfeigned.
And as they surfaced from that darkness, he saw the surprise in her eyes, the unfeigned shock.