And when the state's voters unexpectedly rejected the measure in 1990, New York State had no money left to buy open space - Mr. Heurich's or anyone else's.
His energy communicated to the Cortes, which unexpectedly rejected a message from the King that had the manifest intent of restrain the Cortes' prerogatives.
In January, you will recall, his members unexpectedly rejected that deal, by a whopping seven votes.
The Social Democrats were left effectively leaderless when Mr. Lafontaine unexpectedly rejected the party leadership offered him after the election.
To the surprise of Rove, Cheney, and the others who had engineered the plan, Bush unexpectedly rejected Mullen's resignation, and vowed to resist all calls to let the General go.
Still, the military unexpectedly rejected this offer last week, and experts who have followed the talks now say that those "sweeteners" failed to account adequately for the corruption.
In the end, he would unexpectedly reject the Nixon model.
But in early June, the Danes unexpectedly rejected the agreement.
Then, on June 2, Danish voters unexpectedly rejected the treaty by a narrow margin.
However in March 1960 it unexpectedly rejected the government's budget.