Vincent Martin Bonventre, an Albany Law School professor who is an expert in legal ethics, said multiple roles can present unenviable choices.
In that case he faces an unenviable choice on a policy which touches on a significant principle but is small beans (perhaps £10m out of £18bn in cuts) in financial terms.
For starters, European governments will face the unenviable choice of allowing the weakest national carriers to disappear or defying the new policy.
Then, in 1947 (the partition of India), the Muley Jat of Haryana were faced with an unenviable choice.
Unless and until the Kazaa decision is overruled, copyright owners are faced with the unenviable choice to which I referred earlier.
So South should have played low from the board, leaving East with an unenviable choice.
As it is, the outgunned Libyan rebels face an unenviable choice between the possibility of accepting defeat at the hands of a tyrant, and turning to the former colonialist powers for help.
Perhaps the immediate and justified reaction was that the proposals in the Green Paper were so sketchy as to pose an unenviable choice between 'a crude centralist and an equally crude local authority solution'.
The Mayor's misfortune in being elected during a recession left him offering labor leaders with an unenviable choice between raises and layoffs.
But given how Democrats have framed the debate, she faces the unenviable choice of signing a Democratic initiative into law or having to explain to voters why children's nutrition should take a back seat to other issues.