Realists, like most artists, make uneasy bedfellows.
They made uneasy bedfellows with the hens and the old reindeer.
Young men full of fire and vision make uneasy bedfellows.
Ultimately, the sorrowful coming-of-age drama and the blackhearted satire make for uneasy bedfellows.
Maria found it too big; maybe she was still vain enough to regard middle-age and mirrors as uneasy bedfellows.
Or is it that somehow psychological analysis and poetry are uneasy bedfellows?
Science and magic were still uneasy bedfellows back then.
It makes for a patchwork of uneasy bedfellows.
All this is a far cry from today's ersatz corporate-art collections, but then as now, ambitious art and big business made uneasy bedfellows.
Holiday cheer and the blues have always been uneasy bedfellows.