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The wide underdeck of their ship had no corridors as I knew them, but instead was a broad open area.
Woodenly, she descended to the first underdeck, moved toward Covenant's cabin.
He said the taxi was stopped on the underdeck of Craigavon Bridge and four men, including the three accused, were arrested.
"There's a tool kit and spare plass underdeck.
He recalled that five years ago a dentist was killed when a concrete slab fell on his car from the underdeck of the drive at 21st Street.
Just another underdeck swabbie."
O'Brien had braced his legs on the deck, and now the deck surged, ramming his knees into the underdeck of his engineering panel.
Electromagnetic rails in the underdeck crackled, firing a pulsed salvo of solid projectiles made of superdense depleted uranium.
The preliminary plans for the bridge featured a 3-lane roadway, a railroad crossing on the underdeck of the span, and a center-anchorage double-suspension bridge configuration similar to the design of the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge.