This arrangement allows a private entity to operate the lab on behalf of the federal government under a prime contract.
By statute, federal agencies must award 23 percent of prime contracts to small businesses.
It was being built at Flatland; two such prime contracts couldn't go to the same homeworld, naturally.
That made him wonder, as he had supposed a prime contract would normally be for a larger amount than a subcontract.
On December 27, 1955 Douglas was awarded the prime contract for the airframe and integration.
Soon, some hospital officials were talking privately of as many as 100 to 200 prime contracts.
The project is divided into more than 100 prime contracts to allow more participation by minority-owned companies, he said.
The company also topped the list a year ago, with $7.72 billion in prime military contracts.
Both of these factors lead many industry insiders to believe it's prime free-agent contracts that grow the fastest of all.
Of course, a seller is not interested in the buyer's liabilities under any potential or actual prime contracts.