June 20: Muhammad Ali is found guilty of draft evasion.
Goodwin was killed in a wilderness area near Cumberland while on the run for draft evasion.
This did not sit well with the federal government and resulted in the imprisonment of 300 men from ten camps for draft evasion.
The extent of draft evasion is difficult to determine.
- Morris did not play in the series due to his arrest for draft evasion.
John and his brother assumed they had nothing to worry about, but after they went home the police were informed of the alleged draft evasion.
By one estimate, the bribes amount to $50 million a year, making draft evasion a flourishing cottage industry.
In 1992, the networks aired only ten evening news stories on Bill Clinton's draft evasion after that story broke.
In 1961, he was convicted of draft evasion and sentenced to 18 months in a federal prison.
All this before Ali was convicted of draft evasion on June 20, 1967.