When the time is right, you will all be able to seek your revenge.
Night is also the time when the people seeking revenge come out.
He is seeking revenge one year later in his red sports car.
There is no reason for the girl to seek revenge.
"You have no cause to seek revenge on me in particular."
Then the real scientists get out and try to seek revenge.
He is a man seeking revenge for the murder of his father.
At the end, she has come to terms with her past and seeks peace of mind rather than revenge.
He didn't want the woman coming after him, seeking revenge for her partner's death.
The President has said that they will seek revenge for the attack on the capital city.
She sought damages of more than $15,000 and received about $1,300.
They are seeking damages of almost half a billion dollars.
To date, two families have taken legal action to seek damages.
His clients are seeking damages of between £15,000 and £20,000.
They are seeking damages from the city in a case that is to go to trial next month.
He is seeking a jury trial and damages of $10 million.
One detail yet to be decided is whether the group will seek financial damages.
The woman's husband is seeking damages against three tobacco companies.
In the civil complaint, the party would be seeking financial damages.
They are seeking damages that with interest could come to $100 million by the time the trial ends.
Trial lawyers involved in the case, she said, are seeking compensation for their legal fees.
They are seeking compensation from 130 hospitals around the country.
Property owners seeking compensation would then have to debate the value in court.
Thousands of former children in care have sought compensation for the suffering and abuse under child protection.
Her parents have given no indication whether they plan to seek compensation from the Government.
"They want to take away our fundamental right to seek and obtain compensation for a wrong."
A company breaking this agreement should give us the absolute right to seek compensation.
I've thought of trying legal channels to seek compensation from the government.
He sought compensation for his clients to cover doctor's bills and lost time at work.
This case went to civil court in 2011 with the victim seeking monetary compensation from 10 men.