I grunted assent, and she went on: "Walter Brisbane was charming to everyone on the outside and a tyrannical boss, Goldy.
There is no law against being an obnoxious tyrannical boss, even though thousands of employees probably have fantasized about one.
He tries to ingratiate himself with his tyrannical boss, Jack (Terence Stamp), who says whatever he thinks to whoever happens to be standing nearby.
The difference between Madonna on stage - challenging taboos, breaking rules, playing sexual roles, including tyrannical boss - is only a matter of theatrical degree.
Restlessness (uddhacca) is compared to being a slave, continually having to jump to the orders of a tyrannical boss who always demands perfection and so never lets one stop.
"Tabletop," which chronicles the efforts of one young upstart to challenge a tyrannical boss and entrenched advertising traditions, opened on Oct. 30 to generally positive reviews.
He tries to ingratiate himself with his tyrannical boss, Jack (Terence Stamp), who says whatever he thinks to whomever is nearby.
Angel struggles to please a tyrannical boss while dodging the flirtations and temptations of twelve super models.
He probably thoughthe had a tyrannical boss.
By despotized, he seemed to mean that Ms. Campbell had been cast as a tyrannical boss, oppressing a series of working-class immigrant maids.