A gigabyte is equal to the amount of information on 62,500 typed, double-spaced pages.
He stood and walked across the room to a well-polished oak desk, where he picked up a file folder and removed several neatly typed pages.
The five members of the IRB's laws committee sifted more than 300 proposals and amendments covering 78 closely typed pages.
Finally, as he typed pages and handed them over, the man doled out his pay.
He tucked four neatly typed pages into one of the Third Army Commander's suggestion program boxes placed, at various locations around the post.
He handed Forbin two closely typed pages.
It contained neatly typed pages, covering the results of Murkden's blood tests.
There he began writing an autobiography that would eventually fill 270 typed double-spaced pages.
Inside was a blue binder containing two hundred neatly typed photocopied pages.
The steaks are very, very good, and the wine list, which runs to 112 densely typed pages, has been winning national awards for decades.