In return, Miko attempted to kill her, leaving Sabine's head inconveniently twisted backwards.
The crescent swayed and trembled, twisting backwards and forwards, breaking into a thousand pieces.
Thoron's head twisted backwards to touch his spine as the nightmare blackness etched through his veins.
One of Sanders' most famous alleged cures involved his daughter Janice, who was born in dry labour with her left foot twisted backwards.
It lay like a trampled doll, the head twisted backwards on the broken neck, the eyes still staring through the eye-slits of the mask.
The erstwhile tormentors ran with their heads twisted backwards, yelling with terror and eyes popping.
The Rathar's reaction was immediate It jumped to its six feet and stood frozen while its head twisted backwards.
She hurt so much it was physical pain, like a knife twisting backwards and forwards.
Then, suddenly, he twisted backwards and stopped struggling.
He lay feebly in the angle between floor and wall, one hand twisting slowly forwards and backwards across the straw.