She twisted angrily against his grasp.
The other girl flushed, her mouth twisted angrily.
His face twisted angrily as he slammed an open palm against the wall.
The Old Man's face twisted angrily.
Her mouth twisted angrily, and Amalisa shivered.
There's never time," she murmured, twisting angrily at the marriage ring on her left hand.
There was a guy angrily twisting the killer's legs and other angry faces coming towards him, as though they were going to tear him to pieces.
His other hand began to slip from its hold, but then the keen blade bit into something that twisted angrily beneath the impact and the tugging ceased.
The tarpon threw its 5-foot, 100-pound frame straight up and clear of the water, twisting angrily against the 15-pound test line.
To his surprise, she twisted angrily in his arms.