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That's a fair thought to lie between maids' legs.
The connection between maid and employer is made by commercial recruitment agencies, which often operate out of the public eye.
And if so, how was the friendship between maid and ex-mistress to be defined?
Between maids (also called Hall girl particularly in the US)
"We're between maids at the moment," said Hawk.
A between maid (nickname tweeny, also called hall girl particularly in the United States) is a female junior servant in a large household with many staff.
Then, to drive home the point that the accent is definitely on the first syllable of country, Shakespeare has Hamlet say, "That's a fair thought, to lie between maids' legs."
She said I looked a real lady, which is possible, as there is less difference in dress between maid and mistress now than there used to be, and the fashions are easily copied.
In a household with no between maid, the scullery maid may also have waited on staff in the Servants' Hall, although this may have been assigned to another maid or a junior footman.
He notices Katrina's golden hair and puts it to her that on the visit to Sanderfield's house in June, she was between maids - Bianca had left and Marie had not yet been employed.
In total, Horwood House had a staff of some fifty people, including a butler, footman, lead parlour maid, assistant parlour maid, cook, kitchen maid, three under maids, between maid, two ladies maids, chauffeurs, electrician, farm bailiff and all the farm staff.
The term between maid came from the fact that her duties were split between the area of responsibilities of the housekeeper, butler and cook; if these individuals did not like one another, the job of the between maid was a very difficult one.
Between maid - roughly equivalent in status to scullery maids, and often paid less, the Between Maids in a large household waited on the senior servants (Butler, Housekeeper, Cook) and were therefore answerable to all three department heads, often leading to friction in their employment.
All three of the other men are smitten with Tweeny.
In the end, Tweeny is ecstatic when he accepts her offer to go with him.
The other, a maid or tweeny in No 17, had thin, wispy dark hair, and a white apron.
I told the Runners she an' the tweeny an' housemaid ran off like scared rabbits.
The lady's maid and the tweeny.
"Housemaid and cook and tweeny was all asleep in their beds down here in the cellar."
The housemaid an' tweeny, too.
And the housemaid and tweeny as well."
Because one thing hasn't been explained--how, when the tweeny married the gardener, did they have enough money to set up a flower shop?
After one comprehensive glance about the scene, she marched across to the ditch, leaned over and dealt Amy, the tweeny, a sharp slap.
Even that priggish brother of Chas's must have had a dairymaid or tweeny who was not entirely uncomely.
The President throws a 1000-lb weight at Tweeny, missing him but winning both the weightlifting competition and the shot put for Klopstokia.
Diane Cilento as Eliza, also known as "Tweeny"
A between maid (nickname tweeny, also called hall girl particularly in the United States) is a female junior servant in a large household with many staff.
In the film's final scene, Tweeny excites The President's fierce temper in order to inspire him to a final superhuman effort.
Ernie Tweeny: Steward of the Grey Griffins; also known as Agent Thunderbolt.
Tears in his eyes, still wheezing a little, Willie croaked, 'We could've shoved 'im down the Tweeny.
Tweeny then sets out to find athletes to make up Klopstokia's Olympic team, and quickly discovers that the country abounds in athletes of preternatural abilities.
CUT 3 - Tweeny and "The Welcome Home" (pre-programmed in October 1995) (10:55)
Unless you're home schooling him and don't have a TV, he is going to turn in a tweeny within about a year and those guys do not need private computer access.
The character Tweeny in David Ossman's solo work How Time Flys uses a voice very much like Eccles.
Ernest Bartholomew Tweeny is a character in Derek Benz's and J.S. Lewis's Grey Griffins book series.
I lose count of how many times I hit the deck, but my team of dogs - Tweeny, Grampa, Dawn and Ginger - seem unfazed by their inexperienced driver.
Romantically, however, the situation is in disarray, as everyone waits to see whether Crichton will choose Mary or "Tweeny" (as Eliza is now called), both of whom are deeply in love with him.
After a pep talk from Tweeny fails to inspire them, Angela tracks down Mata, defeats her in an underwater fight, and forces a confession from her before the assembled team, which restores the athletes' fighting spirit.
He brings along three music hall girls and a variety artist.
Prostitutes are called whores, not dance hall girls, and neither they nor their work is very pretty.
More recently she played a dance hall girl in Vera Drake.
But then he began selling them through dance hall girls and salesmen, who earned large commissions.
They appear to be the upper level of the dance hall girls of the American frontier fact and fiction.
If she was a dance hall girl she would be at the Homestake.
He knew hold and hall girls often were; it was one reason so many sought sanctuary in a Weyr.
Between maids (also called Hall girl particularly in the US)
Gene replies, "She's a dance hall girl in a mining town-they're all nice.
Unknown to Sam, Sally is actually a dance hall girl dressed to appear virtuous and proper.
But Ms. Rutherford clearly relished the role of the dance hall girl she performed so well in the first section.
To accommodate the increase of students (approximately 300) in 1948, a new South Hall girls' dormitory was completed in 1949.
"Killer's Kiss" brought the director onto more conventional territory, with a film noir plot about a boxer, a gangster and a dance hall girl.
Arlene was another Dana Hall girl from Newport.
Brooks however began to kill several men in questionable circumstances including one incident where he killed a man over an argument with a local dance hall girl.
The term hall girl came from her chief duty, which was waitressing in the Servants' Hall.
She then became a dance hall girl, calling herself Amy Helen Bolshaw.
And Turner like the dance hall girl down to the Northern Light, who got murdered back in April 1915."
At a social event, one of the town women advises Tollinger that his job won't be finished until the dance hall girls also leave town.
She wound up in Abilene, Kansas, but a young woman alone had few options so Libby became a dance hall girl and prostitute.
Set in the Western United States, the ballet features cowboys and dance hall girls (or saloon girls).
Crazy Lou, a former dance hall girl and Bowery character, was a regular customer and had a reserved seat.
In "Street Scene", cowboys, Indians, dance hall girls, and other western types throng the street of a town.
Indian Creek Massacre and Captivity of Hall Girls.
However, she made three, very small and uncredited roles in 1930, 1935, and 1936, as a dance hall girl in Klondike Annie.
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