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The base is surrounded by a somewhat tumid area.
The sight of her half-bared bosom started a familiar, tumid excitement.
More tumid rain-clouds were approaching fast from the east, borne by the obdurate breeze.
In reply, he seemed to hear a multitude of voices that issued obscurely from out the pale, tumid mass before him.
Tumid blustering, with more or less of sincerity, which need not be entirely sincere, yet the sincerer the better, is like to go far.
They are rounded, but angulated by the projection of the spirals, very tumid on the base.
There are six tumid whorls increasing rapidly.
It is thin, with a tumid lirated base.
The shell has a conical shape, with a broad and tumid base and a wide narrowed umbilicus.
Fu-Manchu picked his way through the fungi ranks as daintily as though the distorted, tumid things had been viper-headed.
Of another fish-yellow eyes, tumid mouth, teeth like nails-Father Caspar said at once that it was a creature of Beelzebub.
"Post-traumatic stress disorder" (shellshock) and "pre-owned vehicle" (used car) are both tumid euphemisms but are not redundant.
The spiral markings consist of two tumid ridges, one at the periphery and one at the summit of the whorls; with many striations on the base.
All the gross symptoms of the nine-months disease are to be seen, the tumid belly, the suppression of the menses, even the production of milk; everything, except for the result.
The base of the shell is rather short, sloping from the subangulated periphery to its anterior margin, with a tumid area bounding the narrow umbihcus, marked like the spire.
Her tumid eyes filled with tears and she began to cry, rocking back and forth slowly in her chair with her hands lying in her lap like fallen moths.
The shell is flatly convex above, rather coarsely, obliquely, plicately striated and decussated with fine impressed lines, the decussation is sometimes obsolete, more tumid and smoother beneath.
Vertigo lilljeborgi, compared with Vertigo moulinsiana, is much smaller, more glossy, its whorls are more tumid, and its thinner lip lacks the broad, almost colorless margin of the latter.
Tumid lupus erythematosus (also known as "lupus erythematosus tumidus") is a rare, but distinctive entity in which patients present with edematous erythematous plaques, usually on the trunk.
The use of confusing, tumid linguistic constructions in vocally or graphically expressed communications (as in that phrase, which could more simply be expressed as "being longwinded") is also a form of redundancy, with several names.
Doesn't sound like a compliment to me-it's the kind of phrase I might apply to a tumid piece of writing, in which every minute action is described at nauseating length, without the redemption of brilliant insight or sheer gorgeousness of language.
Joyce harboured a desire to become Viceroy of India under a Mosley administration should he ever head a BUF government, and is recorded as describing the backers of the bill as "feeble" and "one loathsome, fetid, purulent, tumid mass of hypocrisy, hiding behind Jewish Dictators".
There was an effect, as it were, of light-headedness that was also clear-headedness, and the alteration in one's bodily sensations, instead of producing the mental obfuscation, the loss of identity that was a common mental trouble under former conditions, gave simply a new detachment from the tumid passions and entanglements of the personal life.
The shell contains 7 or 8 whorls, of regular increase, quite flat, except the last, which is very slightly constricted below the suture, a very little tumid on the upper slope, sharply carinated but not much angulated at the suture, and very tumid on the base.