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The United States has had this right since 1947 under the existing trusteeship agreement.
Setting of a date (10 years) to end the trusteeship agreements and provide access to the political independence of Cameroon.
A Joint Trusteeship Agreement is intended to provide for:
The individuals had first to establish that the Trusteeship Agreement gave them standing as against the trusteeship territory.
A Joint Trusteeship Agreement must contain the continuance of the current plan provisions such as:
In 1946, South Africa refused to surrender that mandate even though it had been superseded by a United Nations trusteeship agreement.
The decision, by 14 votes to one (Cuba), meant that the only territory to remain within the Trusteeship Agreement was Belau.
The United States became the TTPI's administering authority under the terms of a trusteeship agreement.
The United Nations approved the Trusteeship Agreements for British Cameroons to be governed by Britain on 6 December 1946.
The following Territories have been subject to United Nations Trusteeship Agreements or were listed by the General Assembly as Non-Self-Governing.
In 1950, the UN confirmed that South Africa's legal administration was still in force and that it could not compel the latter to open a new trusteeship agreement.
It concluded that the preponderance of characteristics of the Trusteeship Agreement (which formed the plaintiffs' basic constitutional agreement) suggested an intention to establish direct, affirmative, judicially enforceable rights.
We therefore recommend that, until this hostility disappears, the Government of Palestine be continued as at present under mandate pending the execution of a trusteeship agreement under the United Nations.
Western Samoa was never part of New Zealand, having instead been the subject of a League of Nations Mandate and subsequently a United Nations Trusteeship Agreement.
This was not consistent with the trusteeship agreements which provided that in any such territory, only the administration was entrusted to the trustee State, in that case France and the UK.
Nauru has sought from the International Court of Justice a declaration of the liability of Australia for breaches of the trusteeship agreement and article 76 of the UN charter.
The TTPI entered UN trusteeship pursuant to Security Council Resolution 21 on July 18, 1947 and was designated a "strategic area" in its 1947 trusteeship agreement.
Importantly, Australia has impliedly conceded that the Nauruan people although a third party to the Trusteeship Agreement, formed a legal entity capable of relying on the Agreement in litigation occurring post-independence.
This places the people in a dilemma; while they reject the Compact of Free Association, the Trusteeship Agreement with respect to Palau remains in force, depriving them of their right to self-determination.
It held that the Trust Territory had two functions: it was the mechanism through which the United States fulfilled its duties under the Trusteeship Agreement, and was also a body with a separate status.
Aujoulat assisted the UN General Assembly in 1946, as a counselor of the French delegation and intervenes on 13 December to approve trusteeship agreements in Togo and Cameroon.
After the First World War until 1961, the town and the Dikwa Emirate were administered by the British under a League of Nations Mandate and a United Nations Trusteeship agreement.
As a public institution, its members would be legally obligated to uphold the by-laws and to report to the community on its work under the terms of its trusteeship agreement with the Crown Lands Co-Management Board.
On 5 December 1959 the United Nations' General Assembly resolved that the UN Trusteeship Agreement with France for Cameroon would end when Togo became independent on 27 April 1960 (Resolution 1416.
A Community Forestry Board (CFB) would serve as a "trust" to hold and oversee management of forest resources within a defined geographic area under a trusteeship agreement with the Crown Lands Co-Management Board we propose.