Each trout lily must have at least two leaves to flower.
The trout lily is considered the harbinger of Spring for locals.
And then there is the trout lily, which is neither a fish nor officially a lily.
Plants of this genus are popularly known as dogtooth violets or trout lilies.
The plants are believed to be a mutation or sport of the white trout lily (Erythronium albidum) and evolved following the most recent ice age.
Flora includes spring wildflowers such as red trillium, trout lily, white baneberry, and wild ginger.
Wildflowers including skunk cabbage, trout lily, marsh marigold, and trillium.
And here are yellow trout lilies.
Blue and yellow trout lilies bloomed.
At times the hills were covered by hepaticas, violets, trout lilies, sweet william, bloodroot, spring beauty and yellow lady's slipper.