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The word trivium, from Latin, is made of two parts.
The trivium was three simplest ways to study the world, and so young men learned them first.
He was with Trivium since forming the band in 2000.
This education is based in the biblical concept of the Trivium.
Another candle stood for the trivium, the place where three roads meet.
Even today the area is referred to as the Fuentes trivium.
He did not study any subjects beyond the trivium and quadrivium at these schools.
The trivium was the beginning of the liberal arts.
It is a Christian school and teaches by the classical method or trivium.
In support of the album, Trivium played on numerous tours with well known artists.
The word "trivia" has been rarely used to refer to the trivium.
Courses of study are based upon the classical trivium and quadrivium.
Sayers also applied the trivium idea to the three stages of child development.
Jason is best known for his production and song-writing with the band Trivium.
A detailed justification of the design of Trivium is given in.
It began with the trivium, which included the study of grammar, rhetoric and dialectic.
Here he was educated in the trivium and quadrivium.
In some cases, a liberal arts education is provided using the trivium and quadrivium as the main model.
The origin of the term in mathematical language comes from the medieval trivium curriculum.
These three phases are known as the Trivium, and correspond to the natural stages of child cognitive development.
Trivium appeared on most of the dates until Grand Prairie.
He is also a primary supporting vocalist in Trivium.
The Bible is the reference point in which the trivium itself is grounded.
Fate obviously instructed him to come and wait for me here at, ah, Trivium."
The new school year in October 1570 began with 122-160 students based on the classical curriculum of trivium and quadrivium.