There is no guarantee that such rates will continue, but the trend has remained falling or flat as of October 2012.
This trend remains, with the exception of the 1970 census, which also did not ask about race.
And underlying trends in domestic final demand have remained strong, imparting impetus to the continuing economic expansion.
The trend was going down since the beginning of 2010 and has remained low till now.
Even as the economic slowdown continued, the opposing trends between occupancy and room rates remained.
The overall trend remains toward more permanent differences in earnings.
But the overall trend toward energy efficiency remained, Mr. Yergin said.
Each technique decreased the rate of the observed poleward movement somewhat, but the general trend remained.
Just how deep or persistent these trends will remain is a matter of debate among developers and urban specialists.
This trend still remains today and therefore exceeds depreciation on both natural and man-made capital.