The only reason why I am not killing you by my own hand is that you did not participate in the treasonous plot.
The suspect is the son of the local governor, the officials thought he might have been framed as part of a treasonous plot.
Officers not involved in the treasonous plot to yield Xavier will be briefed as soon as the ships are secure.
Every other treasonous plot I can remember has put the military on center stage.
As a result, many officials were executed based on actual or suspected treasonous plots.
Only your high rank and your innocence in your father's treasonous plot spared you when I punished the original nest of conspirators.
In 466 Ardabur was accused of a treasonous plot, probably by his father's political enemies.
Eventually, Narviat would break, and surrender the details of his treasonous plot.
Howard was an element in a treasonous plot, of that Jules now had no doubts at all.
Each was more fanatically dedicated to the ruthless repression of treasonous plots.