Ratchet shortly after was lost in a transport incident while taking out Megatron, and was thus unable to continue his work restoring other Autobots in stasis lock (Ratchet later returned, physically merged with Megatron).
They are equipped with five modules carrying varyious equipment to deal with a large range of incidents including structural collapse, large transport incidents, open area searches, heavy lifting operations, shoring and many more.
For public transport incidents, it indicates incidents which have required total suspension of services affecting one or more public transport operators.
The Chemical Industries Association runs the Chemsafe scheme, which provides assistance for transport incidents involving chemicals.
For public transport incidents, it indicates informational messages regarding normal service at airports, or with ferry operators.
It may carry heavy-duty cutting equipment for use at road traffic collisions or other transport incidents.
For public transport incidents, it indicates incidents which have caused significant delay or disruption to services affecting one or more public transport operators.
For public transport incidents, it indicates incidents which are causing minor delay or disruption to services or flights.