He added that the majority of the transactions related to the credit had occurred before August.
The comparison is somewhat misleading because transactions not related to Amoco's continuing operations depressed profits more in 1989 than in 1990.
But much of what has happened in the last few months probably had more to do with derivative transactions related to mortgage-backed securities.
'Relevance' should be taken to include any transactions related to, or consequent on, the transaction in question.
The plaintiffs had submitted a report to them by an expert witness on transactions related to Pender and the western boundary.
Limited convertibility means that in transactions not related to international trade, it will be harder for Poles to convert zloties into dollars.
In 2004, sold his share in the transaction related to public placement of the company's stock.
But the devaluation is to be limited to transactions primarily related to tourism and might not stimulate the economy as a whole.
Indeed, the department said that many of the transactions related to the property are prompted by the Indian landowners themselves.
Likewise if the defendant carries on business here and the transaction related to that business.