You ought to try and synchronise these two extremes, so that the transaction proceeds smoothly.
It saves having to re-type the contract if the transaction does not proceed and the contract is required for an alternative proposed buyer.
Upon expiry of the notice, a transaction can proceed at the price stated on the notice or higher (but not lower) for up to 12 months subsequently.
Accountants, merchant bankers and some lawyers may agree to a success-related fee which would take into account the risk that the transaction may not proceed.
With the traders satisfied that this mafioso can discourage cheating, the transaction proceeds smoothly and all parties leave satisfied.
The transaction could then proceed.
This makes it possible to do a clean backup of the checkpoint state while transactions proceed on the commit state.
The electronic settlement systems that clear transactions among banks, brokerage firms and institutional investors were generally proceeding properly.
That claim could be so serious that the seller would far prefer that the transaction did not proceed.
A basic transaction for a small personal or corporate aircraft may proceed as follows: