He worked as a milk boy and a tram conductor.
The tram conductors were replaced with ticketing machines between 1996 and 1998-shortly before the system was privatised.
His father worked in Fitzroy in a metal-polishing factory and as a tram conductor.
The tram conductor suddenly got the neck and shoulders and lugged him back.
In 1925 the depot was used as a school to teach tram drivers and tram conductors.
He was the son of a stonemason, and after an elementary education worked as a tram conductor.
After the secondary grammar school's accomplishment he worked in Budapest as a tram conductor.
Leaving school at 14, he worked as an office boy, telephone technician, tram conductor, and professional fireman.
If bought from a tram conductor or a vending machine, the basic ticket goes up in price to about $1.50.
During university Stein worked as a tram conductor in Sydney's eastern suburbs.