To measure AADT on individual road segments, traffic data is collected either by an automated traffic counter or hiring an observer to record traffic.
It comprises CCTVs, automatic traffic counters and vehicle classification system, variable message signs, remote weather information system and emergency telephones.
A traffic counter is a device, often electronic in nature, used to count, classify, and/or, measure the speed of vehicular traffic passing along a given roadway.
AOL counts 18 million installations of the video-enabled Winamp 5 player, although the player's traffic counter usually lists a number closer to 2,500 active viewers.
But data from traffic counters placed on more than a dozen highways and major roads by the State Department of Transportation show an uneven pattern.
Over 10 hours, traffic counters say they saw 476 large trucks, 806 commercial vans, 20 sanitation trucks and 16 tour buses.
A year before the congestion zone, TfL set up automatic traffic counters and augmented them with regular classified traffic counts at key locations, in order to monitor long term trends.
You can do the MUCH more simply with simple traffic counters.
One recommendation was to install traffic counters on evacuation routes to monitor the heaviest traffic flows.
At age 17, Gates formed a venture with Allen, called Traf-O-Data, to make traffic counters based on the Intel 8008 processor.