This may still be the case, but Rhodes at least is concerned about the erosion of traditional Christian worship in British schools.
However, in many places, traditional worship still prevails, especially in times of need.
Some of the trends Staples describes are present, but there is much evidence to contradict the argument that "traditional religious worship is dying out."
Morning and evening aarttis the traditional worship are held in this hall.
The wealthy, powerful elite of America, its new ruling class, preferred traditional worship, and the differences between these factions threatened to turn radical.
Besides, she said, the church has been from the start a mixture of Christianity and traditional Indian worship.
The practitioners of traditional worship believe in reincarnation and honour the ancestors.
For the Jewish community, Adas Israel was a center of traditional worship.
The clan's belief system is a combination of traditional worship and Christian practices.
He focuses on environmentalism, social justice and liberal Zionism alongside traditional worship.