Her writings reflect a traditional orientation toward sentimentalism and the cult of true womanhood.
In line with its traditional Western orientation, relations with Europe have always been a central part of Turkish foreign policy.
Rider holds a traditional three-day orientation for its roughly 900 incoming freshmen right before classes begin in September.
Those in the first group with a traditional orientation, on average, selected a position significantly north of the city's center (replicating Study 2).
Only 15% responded that homosexuality is as legitimate as traditional sexual orientation.
She wanted to include illustrations that would indicate that the book was intended for people with traditional orientations as well as contemporary artists.
Ms. Hilgeman is quoted in the release saying that she had "pushed" to have such art included because of the museum's traditional orientation to landscape.
The Democratic Party, with its traditional working-class orientation, seems to sense this issue, but can never quite bring itself to address it openly and creatively.
This traditional orientation of the sensor places the active matrix on its front surface and simplifies manufacturing.
Converted to Islam, the Zaghawa nevertheless retain much of their traditional religious orientation.