Most participants belonged to trade associations, student groups or civic organizations.
In the United States, some herb farms belong to trade associations.
Lepke led the way in that field, around from strikebreakers to trade associations to pocket unions.
But this would not affect payments to trade associations, which are tax-exempt.
He said the ones he worried about were the companies that reported to no one and submitted no applications to trade associations.
They belong to trade associations and - yawn - attend conventions.
He is also a frequent guest lecturer on Pennsylvania politics to trade associations and political organizations.
They're mostly trade associations who can't afford a full-time office in Washington, but want people to think they can.
They never allowed the emergence of any truly independent judiciary, media, progressive secular parties or civil society groups - from women's organizations to trade associations.
To his surprise, the initial letter, which was sent to trade associations, provoked an overwhelming response.