Trying to be more helpful, let me suggest this: how about putting, say, 15pc of free cash in a selection of lowest-possible-cost tracker funds?
Malcolm, though, discovered that the tracker fund was not going to buy the PCC stock through the exchanges at all.
Beating American indexes consistently is not easy, experts say, so it may be better not to try, and to benefit instead from the low cost of tracker funds.
Financial adviser Philippa Gee recommends a tracker fund for Jisas as they are a low cost option.
Mr Yearsley is referring to one of the main attractions of tracker funds: their low costs.
"We never see clients who have been mis-sold a National Savings product or a cheap tracker fund," said Ms Gee.
Most stocks acquired during that operation were successively disposed with the creation of a tracker fund, the TraHK.
And investors who thought they could cut their risk by putting their money into tracker funds that follows the entire London market will also be worse off.
One factor that explains their popularity is fees, because tracker funds are far cheaper than actively managed ones.
He argues that investing has become too complicated for savers, and that most investors would be better off buying cheap tracker funds.