A decade later, the fringe group has developed into an ambitious commercial company, with plans to spawn touring groups to show its work more widely.
The All-Stars consist of five nationally touring groups.
The Théâtre sent touring groups to the Northeastern United states, beginning in 1827, bringing non-English operas to many places for the first time.
Some productions are produced locally, while others come as part of touring groups.
The 1992 Muñequitos tour also established the small California college town of Arcata as a preferable venue for touring Cuban groups.
Guest artists should not be confused with touring groups, troupes, orchestra, or even individual artists, although the distinction may be blurred.
Bonnaroo started as a festival of jam bands: fast-fingered, long-playing, perpetually touring groups that would rather have a good time than act cool and hip.
In addition there are a number of private bus operators, though most focus on the inter-city routes, or on bus charters for touring groups.
"Our purpose is to support touring groups and small ensembles that otherwise can't afford an orchestra."
Visitors were arriving by the carload now, and there were buses filled with touring groups.