For example, it can refer to the capability of a system to increase total throughput under an increased load when resources (typically hardware) are added.
However, the sum of the incremental phases takes longer to complete than one batch garbage collection pass, so these garbage collectors may yield lower total throughput.
In 2007, the total throughput was 7.7 million tons and container handling was 185,000 TEU.
The effect of looping is to provide additional capacity at critical sections of the main trunkline, thus increasing the total possible throughput.
It also has a provision for placing 3 chipsets in parallel for a total throughput over 7 Gbit/s.
In the maximum multi-commodity flow problem, there are no hard demands on each commodity, but the total throughput is maximised:
Switched fabrics can offer better total throughput than broadcast networks because traffic is spread across multiple physical links.
To achieve higher total throughput or to avoid premature blockage, pre-filters might be used to protect small pore membrane filters.
In 1967, the total throughput of tropical fruit amounted to 113,000 tonnes, which placed it top of the list of Yugoslav ports handling such perishables.
The total throughput of the repeater is limited to that of a single link, and all links must operate at the same speed.