Attention modulates sensory processing in "top-down" fashion.
In spite of this, the table can still be viewed in a traditional, top-down fashion.
After a short section on Chordata and non-fish taxa, the work lists all known fish in a top-down fashion.
Command is established in a top-down fashion, with the most important and authoritative positions established first.
The robot operates in a top-down fashion, heavy on planning.
The game is presented in a top-down two-dimensional fashion where the player has an overhead view of all the action taking place on a particular screen.
Any institution created in this top-down fashion without the consensus of the world community is unlikely to solve any kind of problem, financial or otherwise.
Since virtually all the professional knowledge lay with supervisors, schools were run in a rigid, top-down fashion.
When trying to retrieve information in a top-down fashion, some kind of control mechanism is necessary.
Conversely, the computer version is presented in a top-down fashion with all platforming elements removed, with the player instead moving in four directions.