Simplehuman's principal products, stainless steel kitchen garbage cans, cost $39.99 to $179.99 and have 5- to 10-year warranties.
In other words, when it comes to extended warranties, the deck is stacked decidedly in the retailer's favor.
But experts agree that over many years of buying many products, saying no to extended warranties will save you bundles of cash.
It said the decline mainly reflected a one-time provision related to warranties on Altimas in the United States.
But whether car shoppers will respond to longer warranties is unclear.
Whatever happened to warranties?
The original lawsuit accused Dell of misleading investors about customer-service issues, costs related to warranties, and serious quality control issues.
Builders are opposed to broad, vague and involuntary mandatory warranties.
Wow how brainwashed do you need to be to equal legal warranties with big brother?
The Vendor should not be required to give representations, as opposed to warranties.